
Shows & News

2020 Pony Camp

Due to Covid 19, we will hosting camp a little differently this year. Please read the following rules:

Please sign a release form and list any allergies and write your emergency contact number on the back.

Everyone who comes on the property must wear a mask over their mouth and noses. Including parents. All children MUST wear a mask during camp. When riding, the mask may be removed, but put back on when dismounting.

Each child will be directed to a designated area, where a counselor will take their temperature using a head temperature reader. If your child feels sick in the morning, regardless if they have a temperature, please leave them home.

Several tents will be set up for shade and socially distancing will be a priority.

No lunch. Please pack a snack and water/drink.

Dress attire: Jeans, t-shirt or polo, ASTM approved helmet. Shoe with a heel.
NO Sneakers

Upon leaving, parents should not enter the barn. Campers will be brought to the front door and exit when their parent has arrived.
Any further questions, call MLC Farm

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